Home Blog Unexplained CHP Crash: A Night of Chaos and No Accountability in Norwalk,...

Unexplained CHP Crash: A Night of Chaos and No Accountability in Norwalk, CA


CHP Officers’ Late-Night Crash Raises Concerns: Lack of Information to the community and Officer Accountability in Norwalk, CA. Plus, Safety concerns for the residents. The officers were exiting 105 Freeway ends up going through barrier  wall and railing leading to property on Sat. 05/13/2023 ~ 12:30 am.

“On Saturday 05/13/2023, at 12:30 am, two CHP officers crashed, went through the barrier wall and railing leading into property located at 11002 Borson St, Norwalk CA 90650. This property is owned by my parents,  my two friends, along with myself,  were sitting in the backyard of the aforementioned property.

We heard no sirens, alerting the officers were on a pursuit of any sort or indications officers were in the area responding to a call. The officers were exiting 105 Freeway where there are indicators alerting that the freeway is coming to an end, preparing motorists to stop.

My two friends and I attempted to run away from where the vehicle with the two officers crashed to try and avoid the flying bricks and debris. At the time of impact, we didn’t know law enforcement was involved.

They refused to provide us with their name and badge number, even after asking multiple other officers who arrived at the incident. I demanded answers and received nothing.

Other officers arrived at the scene, and the officers involved in the collision disappeared. Although, we continuously asked for their badge number, as well as a sobriety test done on the officer they seemed to not care and wanted to clear the scene as quickly as possible.

We were examined by the fire department. They didn’t ask for a statement, they didn’t ask to speak to my parents, the homeowners. I demanded answers from other officers but they all brushed it off with no sympathy.

Knocking down our backyard fence they did absolutely nothing to make us feel safe, they didn’t care that our backyard was completely open with no barrier or safety exiting the freeway they proceeded on saying it’s our property, clean it up, and deal with it.

I spoke to Srgt Navarro from Norwalk Sheriff’s Department and she also refused to provide me with any sort of information.

No citation/court date ”

Submit your cop videos here.

Date of incident: 05/13/2023

State/City: Norwalk, CA

Department: California Highway Patrol

Yessenia submitted the videos of Unexplained Chaos: CHP Officers’ Midnight Crash Leaves Homeowners, residents, and their guest Seeking Answers in Norwalk.

The pictures below are related to two CHP officers who crashed and went through the barrier wall and railing leading into the property. You can do the same – Submit your cop videos by clicking here.

Submit your cop video(s) today.


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Support the cause at aftp.org, we’re on a mission to bring transparency and accountability to law enforcement. We need your support to make a real difference!

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FILM AND SHARE - Be a part of the movement by filming police interactions as often as you can when it's to do so. Share your videos and stories with us to raise awareness.

DUI CHECKPOINTS - Stay informed and be responsible.

SPREAD THE WORD Share our website and blog with your friends, family, and social networks. The more people who know, the more change we can inspire.

ADVOCATE - Your Voice is Powerful. Sign petitions, contact your local representatives, attend community meetings, and join the conversation about police reform.

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DASH CAM - A very important device to film what happens when pulled over.

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Your actions can make a world of difference. By supporting aftp.org, you're joining a community dedicated to promoting transparency and justice.

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