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Ryan Gainer, 15 year old autistic boy shot and killed by San Bernardino Sheriff Deputies

Ryan Gainer
Ryan Gainer

My heart breaks from the call I just got… RIP RYAN GAINER 🙏💔


15 year old Ryan Gainer was a student at Apple Valley High. He ran track and wanted to be an engineer became he loved robotics. And was always VERY protective of his mom.

Last night in Apple Valley, Mrs Gainer, called 911 because her autistic 15 year old Ryan Gainer was having a mental health episode. Ryan’s father Mr. Gainer was able to calm him down and things settled. Later, San Bernardino Sheriff’s arrived and within seconds of them coming into contact with the boy, they shot and killed him right in front of himhis sister (he was unarmed).

The two San Bernardino Sheriffs who were present didn’t try to offer CPR or anything that could have potentially saved his life. Instead, the sheriffs then detained the sister and mother and served a felony search warrant where the sheriffs searched the house with their guns drawn. This happened last night 3/9/2024. This is outrageous.

Call San Bernardino county sheriffs department: 760 240 7400 Press 4 and mention you encourage and demand they release all body camera footage and immediately terminate the officers who shot and killed 15 year old Ryan Gainer who was unarmed. The deputies murdered a child having a mental health crisis. They need to be prosecuted not protected. Shoutout to @officialdewittmlacy for taking the calls on weekends and off hours for matters like this. You’re greatly appreciated.

Follow @alwaysforthepeople the non profit committed to being there and advocating for families like the Gainers in fighting for justice and accountability they deserve.

#justiceforryangainer #ryangainer #aftp #alwaysforthepeople #alwaysfilmthepolice #mrcheckpoint #mrcheckpointcommunity


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