Home Blog Uncovering Excessive Force: Le’Keian Woods’ Arrest and the Call for Justice

Uncovering Excessive Force: Le’Keian Woods’ Arrest and the Call for Justice


Le’Keian Woods was arrested by the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO) Gang Unit. He ran from the police after they performed a traffic stop. The viral video shows Wood with handcuffs on and looking severely beaten, with his eyes already swollen and bruising and blood on his face. 

Per an officer’s individual account of the situation, he said that he used his taser twice and that Woods fell onto the roadway. He then said that he immediately observed blood on Woods’ face from falling on the pavement. Falling onto the pavement, which could have resulted in a head injury, and being tased multiple times, the officers still expected Woods to cooperate and put his hands behind his back. 

Woods was in a struggle with the officers and was struck on the face and body at least 17 times. His family seeks justice and wants the JSO Gang Unit disbanded. 

Le’Keian’s mother, Natassia Woods, wants Officer Josie Garrigas investigated and arrested for the use of excessive force against her so, especially due to his past misconduct. He is said to have a history of unjustified deadly force and has been connected to the deaths of two unarmed black men. He has also been accused by fellow officers of racism and misconduct. 

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