For every student sleeping in the apartment tonight on Veteran Ave is a Veteran sleeping on the curb. I’m not blaming or mad at the students FYI. I know they aren’t teaching this in the classes and it’s the people who run the institution and bought off politicians that have prioritized @ucla over following federal law, despite it being incredibly inhumane, unethical and immoral. The collateral damage of this is Los Angeles being the nations Capital of Veteran Homelessness and Suicide.

Anything on the 900+ acres of deed restricted land that is permanently maintained by the federal government to be a HOME for disabled and homeless veterans and their families. The land was donated in 1888 in several deeds by several wealthy and powerful individuals to be a Soldiers’ Home rent free in perpetuity.

As you’ll see UCLA was able to occupy 35+ acres under the condition they’d build a medical center. They didn’t. At the time when they were trying to get the land, even President Ronald Regan made a statement addressing his concerns that it may not be in the tax payers interest and that it broadened scope of the home. It is clearly stated that the only purpose for UCLA to have that land is for the medical center. In no way is this meant for student housing.

It blows my mind to think more students live on soldiers home than veterans. No wonder everyone calls Soldiers Home the “C Word” (campus). It’s not a campus and it should never be called that or refered to as that or used as that.

Exhibit 1: a former @ucla employee explains what he saw and did over 30 years being employed by the university. (More info coming on that)

Exhibit 2: Informing Denis McDonough, the United States Secretary of Veterans Affairs and Dr. Steven Braverman of the “C&H tract” who was appointed as the Interim VISN 22 Network Director effective May 1, 2023. Dr. Braverman served as the VA Greater Los Angeles Medical Center Director, since September 29, 2019. about the “C&H tract” that was unlawfully and inhumanly taken by UCLA. Giving Veterans their land back would end Veteran Homelessness in Los Angeles without costing taxpayers, $1.


Exhibit 3: a visual of the veterans 36 acres of land taken by UCLA on Veterans ave. You should know in 1988 wealthy and powerful people donated over 900 acres in an act of congress that is deed restricted to be permanently maintained as a HOME for disabled and homeless veterans and their families.

Exhibit 4: Showing the public how beautiful the @ucla student housing is while Los Angeles remains the nations capital of veteran homelessness.


Exhibit 5: the UCLA source for exhibit 6

Exhibit 6: UCLA acknowledges the Veterans Soldiers’ Home and “C&H tract” in exchange for a medical center for Veterans there that was never built.

Exhibit 7: how politicians use the media to go from a medical center to affordable student housing. This is illegal and immoral on deed restricted land to be a Veterans “home”. Not a students “campus”.

Exhibit 8: Ronald Reagan who was president at the time, wrote a specific note in paragraph 2 regarding his concern for the “C&H tract” and that it would set a bad president for the future of the west LA VA, Soldiers’ Home. He was right.

Exhibit 9: more proof that #ucla was supposed to build a medical center for veterans. For every graduate student living on veterans Avenue, there is a homeless veteran dying in the streets of Los Angeles.

We can end Veteran homelessness in 2024 lawfully and without costing taxpayers $1. When there is more public awareness for the truth than the land grabbers, Veteran homelessness will end.

#aftpveterans #aftp #nhdvs #alwaysforthepeople #mrcheckpoint #mrcheckpointcommunity #fucla


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